User Event Signal Plot

The User Event Signal Plot view displays plots of data values from User Events—custom events generated by RtGenerateEvent. Each plotted curve is denoted by a signal, which is a group of user events according to the definition of the signal (see Signal Setup, below).

Plotting of user event signals is useful for analyzing control system inputs and outputs, but you can use it to visualize other data. Like other Tracealyzer views, this is connected to the main trace view, which allows for correlating the signal values with the scheduling and other recorded events.

For instance, if you spot an anomaly in a monitored output signal of a control loop, you can click on the data point to show the specific user event in the trace view. This allows you to analyze what was going on at this time — perhaps the scheduling caused an extra delay of the control loop thread which affected the signal.

NOTE: You can combine the Trace View with other horizontal views by choosing Views > Add > (graph type).

Like in other Tracealyzer plot views, you can adjust the rendering of the plot using Views > User Event Signal Plot.

When the User Event Signal Plot is opened, the Signal Setup dialog (described below) is also opened. The Signal Setup can also be opened from the User Event Signal Plot window menu, under Customize > Signal Setup.

Menu Options

Views Menu Option Description
Add Add a view to the current view.
Remove Remove an existing view from the current view.
Resize Views To Fit Resizes all views to fit the current view window.
Resolution Menu Option Description

Very High - 200

High - 100

Medium - 50

Low - 25

Very Low - 10

Single - 1

Determines the number of intervals (data points in a line graph or bars in a bar graph) to display. For a more detailed graph, increase the number of intervals by selecting a higher resolution.
Zoom Menu Option Description
Show Full Trace Displays the full trace in the current view.
Zoom In Zooms in on the current view. To focus on a specific area, click and drag to select an interval.
Zoom Out Zooms out of the current view. To focus on a specific area, click and drag to select an interval.
Customize Menu Option Description
Show Filters/Legends

Toggles view of the actor view filters and legend.

Show Tool Panel

Toggles display of the Tool Panel.

Display Options Description
Various options for customizing the display of the current view. Each view contains its own Display Options icon (shown at left are the display options for the CPU Load Graph view) . Note that the options available from this menu will vary depending on the graph/view.

Time Region

A gray rectangular outline indicates the time region that is currently displayed by the Trace View. As the Trace View zooms in and out, this rectangle updates dynamically to mark the current region.


Signal Setup

The Signal Setup window appears when the User Event Signal Plot window is opened. This dialog allows you to create signals for plotting user events data. A signal is essentially a filter that is applied on all user event strings to extract the values to plot, in the form of a regular expression and some related settings. Two signals are predefined, intended for use with the included demo trace, but you can edit or delete them as needed.

Templates are provided that are easy to import and adaptable. Note that all changes made are stored on disk automatically.

The Signal Setup dialog displays all of your signals in a list view. You can manage your signals using these options:

Use the Signal Editor, located in the upper right of the Signal Setup dialog, to edit the selected channel.

Use the Signal Tester, located in the lower right of the Signal Setup dialog, to test the selected signal using example data. Signal Tester contains three fields:

If the signal setup is incorrect for some reason, the specific input field turns red.

If you close this window, it can be opened again from the User Event Signal Plot window menu, under Customize > Signal Setup.

Signal Templates

You can load and save signal setups as templates for future use using the Use Template and Save as Template options. Both options open the Signal Templates dialog that displays the templates available in a grid view. The grid view contains one line per template, with the same properties as in the editor, except that color is not a part of the template and there is also an extra field for a description of the template.

NOTE: The name field is the template name, not the signal name, so this is not copied to the Signal Editor when applying the template.

The Signal Templates dialog contains these options:

To create a new template:

To create a new template, edit the empty line at the bottom of the grid view, and then press Enter. If there is an error in the template, the Resulting Value cell of the affected row will turn red.

To edit an existing template:

Edit the fields corresponding to that template directly in the grid view. When you edit a template, the changes are automatically evaluated using the example data and the result is then shown in the Resulting Value column.

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